Hi, I'm Isa...

... and I've spent the past 13 years on my way to Self-Healing.


This way has led me to Buddhist temples, to a Shaman in the middle of the Amazon, to remote villages in the mountains and to megacities all over the world, as well as many other places. One could say that I've traveled the world looking for answers to questions that have been with me for all my life. I've been looking for meaning and, in a way, also looking for teachers and guides.


During these years I've learned Vipassana meditation and other meditation techniques, In addition to the basics of Shamanic Work as well as various forms of bodywork and massage.


In April 2022 completed my training in Modern Matriarchal Studies with Heide Göttner-Abendroth at "Akademie HAGIA", which helped me understand how social structures affect us as human beings.


In June 2022 I completed my training as a Body-Mind-Therapist at "Institut für Beziehungsdynamik" (Institute for Relationship Dynamics) in Berlin Schöneberg.


In January 2023 I completed a training in Mental Health First Aid at "Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit Mannheim". I can now call myself a "Mental Health First Responder".


In  November 2023 I've been officially awarded the title "Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie" (Alternative Practitioner - Psychotherapy) by the public health department in Berlin Lichtenberg.


All this allowed me to find my way back to my own body. I know that it will provide me with everything I need. I won't need to look any further.

I now share all that I've learned with other people who are looking for support and guidance. I'd be honoured to help you find the connection to your body and soul, to your needs and wishes.