Systematic Constellations

Constellation work allows us to identify the causes of emotional and physical strains, to experience powerful emotional changes and thus to establish healthy relationships to ourselves and other people.


No one is an island: The reasons for our problems cannot only be found in ourselves or in our past. Also family related entanglements and transgenerational traumas can lead to recurring relationship problems, anxiety and depression, several physical symptoms or other problems.


By naming representatives for your chosen issue (which can be a specific problem or a general question) in the form of small toys or sheets of paper you come into contact with the inner parts of your soul that are hiding in your subconscious.


We create a space in which those parts get a chance to speak either through you or through me. So that you can change your perspective and have a talk with them. Furthermore, you can move through this space and get your issue out of your mind/system. Being able to look at it from the outside gives you a new access to it and offers the possibility to identify new contexts.


You can use the insights gained to plan the next steps of your personal development.